Mars at Opposition - Day 2

Goal: Capture Mars near the Oct. 13, 2020 date of closest approach (Opposition). Left tripod vibration pads in the lawn from the Mars imaging session on the 15/16th. In the early afternoon of the 17th, brought the tripod back out & set back on vibration pads in the lawn. Mount was found to be level... no need to re-level (time & effort saved) by keeping the pads in the lawn. Installed counterweights & the Celestron CN-10. Rebalanced the mount... determined a working arrangement of counter weights ... and worked out optics configuration for the CN-10 with the Zwo ASI120MC-S as the primary imaging camera with and without the 3X Barlow. Was not able to use the M60 -> T-thread adapter with the eyepiece projection cell to the Zwo and reach infinity focus. Instead, used the 2" eyepiece adapter -> 1.25" eyepiece adapter -> Zwo (with eyepiece adapter installed) for prime focus and inserted the Celestron X-Cel LX 3x Barlow (wit...