Start of 2021 Astrophotography: M81

First significant collection in 2021 started on 2/19 with the venerable ST80 with the generic (non-branded, ebay) dual-band filter, the veteran Canon T3I on our trusted CGEM DX mount. Lots of clouds with alignment not possible until 11pm and real imaging not starting until midnight. Moon as less than half full, and low in the sky by the time imaging started. Temperatures were in the upper 20's with little to no breeze noted near midnight. Utilized PHD4 to perform an initial drift alignment following alignment with the polar scope with results at 1.8 arcminutes. Focus for the ST80 was checked, and remained unchanged from previous session. Set up the Indi/Ekos scheduler to collect against M81 (Bode's galaxy) with 180s light frames at ISO1600. Utilized the primary telescope for plate solving... which went fast using the remote astrometry driver. Used the internal guider and found no issues with guiding on the 50mm F1.4 Cosmicar CCTV lens on the Zwo ASI-120mc-s...