Markarian's Chain

Started a mult-session collection on 03/26 (52) and continuing on 04/15 (47), 04/16 (109) and 04/19 (~20) against Markarian's chain with the venerable Orion ST80 using the generic dual narrow-band filter , clear Astronomik EOS clip-in filter (for consistent focusing with the EOS CLS clip-in filter) and Canon T3I (astro modded for Ha sensitivity). 180s collections used for each (except for 3/26 at 300s) and flats collected against morning blue sky when needed based on re-focusing (03/26, 04/16). Canon configured with UTC time. Based this collection in Kstars/Ekos/Indi by centering on NGC 4438 . For this processing, utilized both 60x180s and 30x300s darks as well as 130 bias (all at ISO1600) frames for calibration. Collection notes from 04/19: Ran entirely on the Odroid XU4 via remote desktop protocol (rdesktop client with compression) to simulate a remote location and provide some robustness for network / wifi drop-outs. ...