First light: Baader Planetarium Rowe Triplet Coma Corrector for Newtonians - RCC-I

Goal: install, configure & test out the Baader Planetarium Rowe Triplet Coma Corrector - RCC-I on the Orion CN10 (long tube) 10" Newtonian. This is an attempt at replacing the Teleview Paracorr (type 1) since my example is ancient, hazy (smoky...amber colored...ich) and results in a 15% increase in focal length. Early testing with my example paracorr suggested similar light throughput as the (deforked) Meade LX10 EMC 8" with a 0.63x focal reducer (which is sad). A key challenge with the RCC-I in this Newtonian is the focuser. It comes with a T-adapter...and an eyepiece adapter...neither of which work with this 2" coma corrector...because it needs to go _into_ the focuser. Sadly, the eyepiece adapter for the focuser brings the camera too far out... and the T-adapter provides no mechanism to mount the coma corrector. This was confirmed on the first night...which resulted in no images... with no mechanism to reach infinity focus. Had...