Post-Deck Extension Testing

04/19/2022: Refurbished & extended the deck... changing the perspective on the sky from the back yard. Southern views are now possible without lugging the telescope to the front yard. With a clear night, this calls for some testing. Albeit with an enormous (if waning) moon at 90%. Conditions overall: Meteoblue Astro prediction for 04/19/2022. Clear skies, giant moon. prediction for MoCo seems to agree (mostly). Note Seeing is also frowny face. Test target...largely inappropriate for this kind of sky but it's just a test... is M65 simply because it's exceptionally high in the southern sky...and that's the interesting aspect of the sky this deck extension may open up. Indi Allsky is setup with the (ichy) 8mm Kodak c-mount lens... but is showing this exposure profile from ~20:30 to ~21:00: Indi Allsky exposure in Seconds from sundown to ~21:00. Single 13.8s exposure from Indi Allsky cam with the 8mm Kodak C-mount lens showing a...