Jupiter at opposition & perigee

Jupiter at opposition and at perigree ... epic time to create some stacks for processing. Extracted the venerable Svbony SV305 out of the indi-allsky camera for some planetary imaging. Set up the CGEM DX with the Meade LX10 with the 3x Celestron X-Cel LX barlow. Leaves still on the trees, so no polar scope ... just used the cell phone compass for a rough north alignment. Using Kstars/Indi/Ekos, started a polar alignment by steering the OTA to Kitalpha (star). Using phd2 drift alignment tool (running on the Odroid via remote desktop), started at -250'. Tightened on the right side of the mount to get to -155', then -72', then overshot to 5.8'. Ultimately, after alot of back and forth (and a meridian flip that almost went unnoticed) got this down to -0.2'. Clear skies after 11pm, little to no wind. Seeing is not expected to be great. Clearoutside.com forecast for 9/25...downloaded at ~10:50pm. Montgomery County Astrophysical Observatory forecast from cleardarksky.c...