Gamma Cygni Nebula (Sadr Region)

09/06/23 -- first astrophotography session of 2023...fairly sad. Utilizing the venerable Orion ST80, Hotech SCA field flattener and the ebay / generic dual band Ha / OIII filter , the Ha-modded Canon T3I on the CGEM DX mount to obtain some deep sky narrow band of an object not collected previously (oddly) -- the Sadr Region centered on Gamma Cygni. Surprisingly clear skies (for once) coupled with a huge moon motivated a search for deep sky nebula suitable for narrow band, wide field imaging. Forgot to change the Astronomik EOS filter in the T3I...left the CLS filter installed instead of swapping out for the clear filter...resulting in challenges later in color balance. Collection began on 09/05 with 109x100s light frames (total) and was followed up in the AM with flat frames and flat darks. Of these only frames 003 through likely 083 are guided / good frames. Analysis plot from that session shows results from collection and dithering with nominal RMS ...