M33 / Triangulum Galaxy with the SV405cc

11/12/23 - Started collection against M33 / Triangulum galaxy with the LX10 using the 0.63 Meade focal reducer, no filter and the SV405cc. Mount has remained unmoved for a week out on the deck. Double checked polar alignment using PHD2 on the Odroid XU4 and found nominal alignment (~6") and checked focus with the Bahtinov mask.

Forecast from cleardarkskies for 11/12 showing great conditions.

Forecast from meteoblue also suggesting good conditions (with the exception of seeing).

Bahtinov mask collection after adjusting focus on 11/12/23.

Initial M33 result from AstroPixelProcessor using the first 54x120s (6360s, 1.7 hours) of collection.

11/13/23 -- set the scheduler to launch collection against M33 automatically starting at ~18:30.  This ran through one complete job (60 light frames) which lasted approximately two hours (18:36 - 20:49).  Restarted collection on an additional 60 light frames at ~22:18. 

Forecast for 11/13/23 from cleardarksky suggesting cloud-free, dark skies.

Seeing forecast from meteoblue for 11/13/23 suggesting cloud free, dark skies... but poor seeing overall.

Stacked intermediate frames in ASTAP and noted focus issues.  Placed the Bahtinov mask on the OTA and examined the response and adjusted focus.
Initial 1x20s Bahtinov mask collected at ~23:15 on 11/13 indicating a slight out of focus condition.

Final (third) Bahtinov mask collected as focus was adjusted.

Initial stack in ASTAP from light frames on M33 (60x120s) from 11/13/23 indicating focus issues. Stacked without dark or bias frames and an estimated flat frame from APP.

11/14/23 - Collected flats given a cloudy day using a paper towel as a diffuser.
11/15/23 - Automated collection of M33 and M42 via the scheduler.
11/16/23 - First collection testing out the Svbony UV/IR cut filter. A key question -- does this aid in reducing star bloat?  Refocused with the Bahtinov mask (twice), double checked polar alignment (twice), and performed collection on M42 and M45 (The Pleiades).  Then launched collection at ~1:30am against M33.  In the morning, positioned the OTA facing zenith, placed a paper towel over the aperture and collected 20x1s flats.

Forecast from cleardarksky for 11/17/23.

Seeing forecast from meteoblue for 11/17/23.

11/18/23 - Clear, moonless night started with an impressive ISS overpass at zenith at ~17:30 at magnitude ~-4.8.  

Forecast for 11/18/23 from cleardarkskies.

Seeing forecast for 11/18/23 from meteoblue.

Created two sets of jobs in the scheduler with the mosaic tool -- one for Messier 31 (The Andromeda Galaxy) and one set for Messier 45 (The Pleiades)...both using the LX10 with the 0.63 focal reducer, the Svbony UV/IR filter and the Svbony 405cc.  Double checked polar alignment with a drift alignment using PHD2 running directly on the odroid XU4 and adjusted focus using the Bahtinov mask.  In the AM collected flats (OTA pointed to zenith with paper towel method).

Used ASTAP to examine & triage the resulting light frames. For M31 part 1, 32x120s usable light frames were collected. For M31 part 2, 29x120s.  For M31 part 3, 20x120s.

11/19/23 - Continuing with M31 and M45 mosaic collection under clear skies. Initial moon (40%) until about 23:00 may cause poorer contrast for the initial M31 frames.

Forecast for 11/19/23 from cleardarkskies.

Seeing forecast for 11/19/23 from meteoblue suggesting clear skies with the moon up until 11pm.

Double checked & adjusted polar alignment using a drift alignment with PHD2 running on the Odroid XU4.  Rechecked focus & made adjustments with the Bahtinov mask.  Initial plate solving included a check on the camera field of view rotation. Adjusted the rotation to get within 3 degrees. This would suggest new flats will be needed for 11/19. Ultimate 33 light frames collected from midnight to 1:30am.


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